Typewriter Prints

White Ink Typewriter Drawing

White Ink Typewriter Drawing

White Ink. Black Paper

Image Courtesy of Scaffold Gallery
"Children Of The Swan" Series
Typewriter responses to "The Great Unanswered" vol iii.
"What is time? How did the universe begin? How did we end up here? The Great Unanswered: Volume iii sees eight intriguing emerging artists, hand-picked by Scaffold Gallery, responding to some of life's most perplexing and impossible questions"
My assigned question:
What are ultrahigh energy particles?
White Ink. Black Paper.

Typewriter on Paper

My Mother's Index Finger Print
"Nannie's Eggs Series"
Inspired by the wonder that is pregnancy- I created this series of works which celebrates the fascinating process of childbearing, and mother/daughter bonds thereafter.
Images 1, 2 and 3 contain a single typewritten fingerprint; that of the artist herself, her mother, and her own daughter.
Image 4 contains a narrative-forming piece of text.
The pieces are delicate yet tangibly precise in their formation- much like fetal development itself. The conceptual use of the full stop symbol is profound to the artist, since motherhood is such a delicate process. They also represent relationships with many other distinctive female qualities: steadiness, consistency, perseverance, shared experiences and the potential future strength and determination of women yet to exist.
The artist's mother was adopted so there is also an underlying sense of voids- the bonds never formed and a figurative ". . ." about the past and future.
Hand Typed. Typewriter.
Commissions available
Typewriter Print

Typewriter Print (Minus Ink)
A moire image inspired by prolific dating app users

Amusing Welsh Translation Concrete Poem
Op Art and Moire Works
The Beat Phenomenon
Using deliberate and precise mathematical manipulation, typed using an obsolete typewriter, Penny Alexander creates stunning text-based optical illusions.
The effect created is known as the "moire effect" which frequently occurred during fax machine use and was considered a technical hiccup. The artist enjoys this idea of inconvenience and has refined the outcomes with precision. In this age of advancing technology, editing of images and extreme critical perception her concept feels particularly apt- since moire effects cause much confusion to cameras, rendering the effect not only devoid of purpose, formed using obsolete machinery, and also irrelevant to the image obsessed society in which we inhabit.